Changelog - Medeek Truss Designer
This Changelog is a list of all of the signficant updates and modifications that have occurred with the Medeek Truss Designer since its inception in March of 2013. The most current versions/revisions are listed at the top.
- Added four additional top chord point loads under advanced loads for solar panel installations and other applications.
- Heel height dimension added to SVG and PDF geometry and load diagrams.
- Added SketchUp 3D (.rb) file output for truss geometry. This file, when copied into the SketchUp plugins folder, will create a menu item within SketchUp allowing for unlimited creation of the given truss geometry within SketchUp. This plugin allows the user to specify the number of trusses and truss spacing when creating the truss geometry within SketchUp.
- Repetitive stress increase for members and plates can now be manually set under advanced options.
- Added machine stress rated (MSR) lumber within the grade selection option under advanced options.
- The creep factor Kcr can be manually set to 1.5, 2.0 or 3.0 for seasoned or green lumber.
- Added top chord point loads under advanced loads for solar panel installations and other applications.
- Added lumber size and grade selection under advanced options. This now gives the ability to check a truss design.
- MWFRS Wind Analysis option added to compute max. horizontal reaction and max. uplift at truss bearing points.
- Snow Load Analysis option added. Balanced, unbalanced and eave snow loads calculated as applicable.
- Estimated weight of truss added to output (lumber and plates).
- Design values for select Eagle Plates and Simpson Strong-Tie Plates added from ESR-1082 and ESR-2762.
- Added logo and link to evaluation service report for each plate manufacturer.
- Client Information and Medeek Toolbox options added to further customize output.
- Usage limit enforced so that regular users are encouraged to purchase a Medeek Toolbox Key.
- Added a title block and border to the AutoCAD (.dwg) output.
- Minor formatting issues resolved in (.dwg) output.
- Added lumber species selection under advanced options.
- Tension perpendicular to grain check added for joint (6) and (7).
- Updated AutoCAD drawing generator so that it now draws the metal connector plates at the correct sizes.
- Limited heel joint plate selection algorithm so that the heel plate is single, symetric and does not exceed bottom chord depth in height.
- Added JSI and CSI limit.
- Created an Advanced Options tab for additional design options and moved the JSI limit, CSI limit and Peak Joint options under this tab.
- Added engineering for plates at top chord web joint and peak joint.
- Fixed minor bug with repetitive member increase (Cr) for bottom chord in bending.
- Added engineering for chord and web members for the fink type truss.
- Added AutoCAD (.dwg) file output for truss geometry and PDF output for geometry and axial loads.
- Added bearing check at heel.
- Created matrix analysis module (FEA) for accurate determination of moments, shear and axial loads.
- Added deflection calculations using the virtual work method.
- Added geometry and axial loads for Double Fink truss type.
- Created Medeek Truss Designer.
- Added geometrical and axial calculations for King, Queen, Fink and Howe truss types.
- Added SVG graphical output showing geometry and axial loads.
If you have any questions about the Medeek Truss Designer or its development please contact us.